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Full GPG Verify dApp

Section Goal
  • create GPG Verify smart contract with appropriate input data
  • deploy and run the GPG Verify dApp :::

GPG Verify smart contract

The implementation of this dApp's smart contract will naturally follow the same structure of the previous tutorials. Namely, it will define input drives containing the necessary data and provide methods to instantiate a Cartesi Compute computation using that data and then retrieve the corresponding result.

To that end, create a file called GpgVerify.sol in the gpg-verify/contracts directory, with the following content:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.7.0;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "@cartesi/compute-sdk/contracts/CartesiComputeInterface.sol";

contract GpgVerify {

CartesiComputeInterface cartesiCompute;

bytes32 templateHash = 0xb5907eafa8a2c0f43249afcef27d207785e427ca4a1d7db8a4a05c7f1b7e1df5;

// this dApp has an ext2 file-system (at 0x9000..) and two input drives (at 0xa000.. and 0xb000..), so the output will be at 0xc000..
uint64 outputPosition = 0xc000000000000000;
// output will be "0" (success, no errors), "1" (failure), or some other error code that certainly fits into the minimum size of 32 bytes
uint8 outputLog2Size = 5;

uint256 finalTime = 1e11;
uint256 roundDuration = 75;

// document that was signed
bytes document = "My public statement\n";

// detached signature for the document, produced with a private key
// - the dApp off-chain code must contain the corresponding public key in order to verify the signature
bytes signature = hex'8901d20400010a003d162104dbbbb50ddc0910795f7c0b48a86d9cb964eb527e05025f19fa431f1c6465736361727465732e7475746f7269616c7340636172746573692e696f'

// corresponding document and signature data to be sent as input drives to the off-chain Cartesi Machine
// - this machine expects the first four bytes of the input data to encode the length of the content of interest
bytes documentData = new bytes(1024);
bytes signatureData = new bytes(1024);

constructor(address cartesiComputeAddress) {
cartesiCompute = CartesiComputeInterface(cartesiComputeAddress);

// prepares data: computation expects input data to be prepended by four bytes that encode the length of the content
prependDataWithContentLength(document, documentData);
prependDataWithContentLength(signature, signatureData);

function prependDataWithContentLength(bytes storage input, bytes storage output) internal {
// length is assumed to fit in four bytes
assert(input.length <= 0xffffffff);

// sets first four bytes in output as the input length
bytes memory inputLength = abi.encodePacked(input.length);
output[0] = inputLength[inputLength.length-4];
output[1] = inputLength[inputLength.length-3];
output[2] = inputLength[inputLength.length-2];
output[3] = inputLength[inputLength.length-1];

// subsequent bytes in output are the input bytes themselves
for (uint i = 0; i < input.length && i+4 < output.length; i++) {
output[i+4] = input[i];

function instantiate(address[] memory parties) public returns (uint256) {

// specifies two input drives containing the document and the signature
CartesiComputeInterface.Drive[] memory drives = new CartesiComputeInterface.Drive[](2);
drives[0] = CartesiComputeInterface.Drive(
0xa000000000000000, // 3rd drive position: 1st is the root file-system (0x8000..), 2nd is the dapp-data file-system (0x9000..)
10, // driveLog2Size
documentData, // directValue
"", // loggerIpfsPath
0x00, // loggerRootHash
parties[0], // provider
false, // waitsProvider
false, // needsLogger
false // downloadAsCAR
drives[1] = CartesiComputeInterface.Drive(
0xb000000000000000, // 4th drive position
10, // driveLog2Size
signatureData, // directValue
"", // loggerIpfsPath
0x00, // loggerRootHash
parties[0], // provider
false, // waitsProvider
false, // needsLogger
false // downloadAsCAR

// instantiates the computation
return cartesiCompute.instantiate(

function getResult(uint256 index) public view returns (bool, bool, address, bytes memory) {
return cartesiCompute.getResult(index);

As detailed in the previous section, our dApp's Cartesi Machine specifies two input flash drives, one for an arbitrary document and another for an associated digital signature that asserts the authenticity and integrity of the document's contents. This is reflected in the drives definition within the instantiate method, which in this implementation establishes a total limit of 1024 bytes (log2 size 10) for each input drive content.

In the code above, the input data itself is arbitrarily defined so as to match the test data we used before. However, as discussed in the preceding section, the actual data submitted to the Cartesi Machine is required to have its content length encoded in each drive's four initial bytes. This is achieved by calling the method prependDataWithContentLength and using that method's output in the computation instantiation.

Deployment and execution

With the smart contract implemented, it's time to compile and deploy it to the local network within our development environment. Using Hardhat, as in the other tutorials, we'll start by adding a file named 01_contracts.ts to the gpg-verify/deploy directory and inserting the following code into it:

import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { DeployFunction } from "hardhat-deploy/types";

const func: DeployFunction = async (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
const { deployments, getNamedAccounts } = hre;
const { deploy, get } = deployments;
const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts();

const CartesiCompute = await get("CartesiCompute");
await deploy("GpgVerify", {
from: deployer,
log: true,
args: [CartesiCompute.address],

export default func;

Then, deploy the contract by typing:

npx hardhat deploy --network localhost

After the contract is compiled and deployed, we can enter Hardhat's console and instantiate a GPG verification computation for the Cartesi Compute nodes associated with the development environment's addresses for alice and bob:

npx hardhat console --network localhost
> { alice, bob } = await getNamedAccounts()
> gpg = await ethers.getContract("GpgVerify")
> tx = await gpg.instantiate([alice, bob])

Finally, after some time it will possible to query the GPG verification result by calling the getResult method for the computation's index:

> index = (await tx.wait()).events[0].data
> result = await gpg.getResult(index)

Recalling that the output of the Cartesi Machine's execution script corresponds to the gpg tool's exit status, we must interpret the result data as an ASCII value that can represent success ("0"), failure ("1"), or other values for errors. This can be done by using ethers to print the output data as a string:

> console.log(ethers.utils.toUtf8String(result[3]))

Which indicates "success" - or, in other words, that the provided document is indeed guaranteed to have been produced and adequately signed by someone in possession of the private key for, and that the document's data has not been tampered.

Should you change the document declaration in the smart contract, the output would become "1" (i.e., "failure"). Additionally, changing the data for the signature variable would either also lead to failure (i.e., signature no longer matches) or possibly to an error, in the case that the data no longer represents a valid digital signature. In this case, a different non-zero result would be retrieved.

Although fully functional, there is still one important aspect of our dApp that can render it unusable for many real-world scenarios: how the input data is fed into the computation. Indeed, the code above, which uses direct drives, implies that the document whose signature is being verified must be directly available to the smart contract as a bytes object. This is unfortunately not a really scalable solution, given the storage limitations and accompanying high costs of blockchains like Ethereum. As such, in the next section we will cover a couple of Cartesi Compute features that can tackle this issue to allow dApps to process larger volumes of data.

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