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GPG Verify machine

Section Goal
  • build a machine that executes GPG signature verification from arbitrary document and signature data
  • understand limitations of ext2 file-systems for submitting dynamic data to a Cartesi Machine :::

Final execution script

Shifting our focus from understanding and testing GPG usage to an actual implementation of our dApp's Cartesi Machine, we must first of all acknowledge that our final machine cannot simply read the document and signature data from pre-defined files. Rather, those two pieces of data should be read as separate input drives, so that they can be submitted in a smart contract request.

Unfortunately, as noted in the Cartesi Machine section, there is no direct way of generating ext2 file-systems in a reproducible way, so these input drives have to be raw. This means that, instead of being mounted as file-systems, the drives' contents are to be read and written directly as plain bytes. Therefore, since we do not know in advance the exact size of the document or the signature, we will choose to encode the document and signature content lengths in the first four bytes of the input drives' data, so that we can correctly read the binary contents.

Aside from that, when writing the previous section's Cartesi Machine example, you may have noticed that specifying all those command instructions as a single line was quite cumbersome. Thus, to tackle that issue and better organize our dApp, we will specify our final machine's commands in a separate shell script file, and include that file in the ext2 file-system that our machine is already using to have access to the public key.

Back in the gpg-verify/cartesi-machine directory, create a file called and make it executable:

chmod +x

Now, edit that file and insert the following contents:


# reads document data as a binary string whose length is encoded in the first 4 bytes, and stores it in file 'document'
dd status=none if=$(flashdrive document) | lua -e 'io.write((string.unpack(">s4","a"))))' > document

# reads signature data as a binary string whose length is encoded in the first 4 bytes, and stores it in file 'signature'
dd status=none if=$(flashdrive signature) | lua -e 'io.write((string.unpack(">s4","a"))))' > signature

# imports public key informing that it can be trusted (0xA86D9CB964EB527E is the key's LONG id)
gpg --trusted-key 0xA86D9CB964EB527E --import /mnt/dapp-data/compute-pub.key

# verifies document signature
gpg --verify signature document

# writes gpg verify's exit status to output: 0 is success, 1 is failure, other values indicate error
echo $? > $(flashdrive output)

The first lines of the above script read the document and signature data from their respective input flash drives, and use a tiny Lua script to read the data considering the four initial bytes as the content length. The contents are then written to local files respectively called document and signature. After that, the script uses gpg to import the public key provided in the mounted dapp-data file-system, and finally verifies if the signature is valid for the given document. The final exit status is then written to the output drive.

Final ext2 file-system

With the execution script ready, we can now build the actual ext2 file-system that we are going to use in our machine. This will be very similar to the process we did in the previous section for our tests, but now we will include the new script we just wrote, while leaving out all of the test data.

First, create a directory called ext2 within the current gpg-verify/cartesi-machine directory, and copy the public key and execution script files into it:

mkdir ext2
cp compute-pub.key ext2/

Now, use the genext2fs tool within cartesi/playground Docker image to build the ext2 file:

docker run \
-e USER=$(id -u -n) \
-e GROUP=$(id -g -n) \
-e UID=$(id -u) \
-e GID=$(id -g) \
-v `pwd`:/home/$(id -u -n) \
-w /home/$(id -u -n) \
--rm cartesi/playground:0.5.0 \
genext2fs -b 1024 -d ext2 dapp-data.ext2

After the command completes. a file called dapp-data.ext2 with the expected contents will be present in the current directory.

Full machine implementation

After building our ext2 file-system, we can then proceed to the final implementation of our Cartesi Machine. As done for all the other tutorials, we will code a bash script to make it easy for us to build (and rebuild, if necessary) the final machine's template specification, and store it the appropriate location.

In order to that, create a file in the cartesi-machine directory:

chmod +x

Now, place the following contents into it:


# general definitions

# set machines directory to specified path if provided
if [ $1 ]; then

# removes machine temp store directory if it exists
if [ -d "$MACHINE_TEMP_DIR" ]; then

# builds machine (running with 0 cycles)
# - initial (template) hash is printed on screen
# - machine is stored in temporary directory
docker run \
-e USER=$(id -u -n) \
-e GROUP=$(id -g -n) \
-e UID=$(id -u) \
-e GID=$(id -g) \
-v `pwd`:/home/$(id -u -n) \
-w /home/$(id -u -n) \
--rm $CARTESI_PLAYGROUND_DOCKER cartesi-machine \
--max-mcycle=0 \
--initial-hash \
--append-rom-bootargs="single=yes" \
--store="$MACHINE_TEMP_DIR" \
--flash-drive="label:dapp-data,filename:dapp-data.ext2" \
--flash-drive="label:document,length:1<<22" \
--flash-drive="label:signature,length:1<<12" \
--flash-drive="label:output,length:1<<12" \
-- $'date -s \'2100-01-01\' && /mnt/dapp-data/'

# defines target directory as being within $MACHINES_DIR and named after the stored machine's hash
-e USER=$(id -u -n) \
-e GROUP=$(id -g -n) \
-e UID=$(id -u) \
-e GID=$(id -g) \
-v `pwd`:/home/$(id -u -n) \
-h playground \
-w /home/$(id -u -n) \
--rm $CARTESI_PLAYGROUND_DOCKER cartesi-machine-stored-hash $MACHINE_TEMP_DIR/ | tail -n 1)

# moves stored machine to the target directory
if [ -d "$MACHINE_TARGET_DIR" ]; then

Comparing this to the test Cartesi Machine of the previous section, we can see that we now have individual input flash drives for the document and signature data, as well as an output flash drive. Futhermore, we have increased one of the input drive sizes to 4MiB (1 << 22) in order to be able to deal with larger documents later on. Finally, we should note that the whole command line executed is now a lot simpler, since we moved most of the complexity into the script.

At this point, the machine template can be built and appropriately stored in the Cartesi Compute SDK environment by typing:

./ ../../compute-env/machines

Giving an output such as this:

0: b5907eafa8a2c0f43249afcef27d207785e427ca4a1d7db8a4a05c7f1b7e1df5

Cycles: 0
Storing machine: please wait

Similar to the issue discussed in the GenericScript tutorial, the template hash generated for your machine will certainly differ from the one seen here. This is because, as noted in the beginning of this section and explained in the Cartesi Machine host perspective, using the genext2fs tool to build a new ext2 file with the same contents will actually always lead to a slightly different file, which as a consequence changes the initial state of the machine. Therefore, to produce the same hash b5907eaf... presented above, you should have the exact same ext2 file used when writing this tutorial. This file is available in the Cartesi Compute Tutorials GitHub repo, and as such you can download it and rebuild the machine template with the following commands:

rm dapp-data.ext2
./ ../../compute-env/machines

Which should now produce the expected hash b5907eaf....

With all of this done, move back to the gpg-verify home directory before proceeding to the next section:

cd ..

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