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5 docs tagged with "api"

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Logger drives

A relevant limitation of the Cartesi Machines as they have been described until now is the size of their input drives.

Machines off-chain

Although an extensive documentation of Cartesi Machines can be found here, one may choose to skip this reading and jump right away to their usage inside the blockchain through Cartesi Compute. For that, it is enough to regard a Cartesi Machine as a black box that executes computations.

Machines on-chain

Having discussed the concept of Cartesi Machines off-chain, capable of booting a Linux operating system and loading heavy-weight libraries, one naturally wonders how this will ever be stored or executed on the limited environment of a blockchain. The simple answer is that it won’t be.

On-chain API

Having informally discussed how Cartesi Compute represents Cartesi Machines on-chain, one can now describe in more details the API for requesting and retrieving computations in Cartesi Compute.

The off-chain API

After the call for instantiate, the blockchain may already have all information that is necessary to execute the machine. But in many cases it also needs to get input from other users. In a game for example, the user may need to insert their decisions on input drives for later processing.

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