Integrating ERC20 token wallet functionality
This tutorial will guide you through creating a basic ERC20 token wallet for a Cartesi backend application using TypeScript.
This tutorial is for educational purposes. For production dApps, we recommend using Deroll, a TypeScript package that simplifies app and wallet functionality across all token standards for Cartesi applications.
Setting up the project
First, set up your Cartesi project as described in the Ether wallet tutorial. Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed.
Building the ERC20 wallet
Create a file named balance.ts
in the src/wallet
directory and add the following code:
import { Address } from "viem";
export class Balance {
private account: string;
private erc20Balances: Map<Address, bigint>;
constructor(account: string, erc20Balances: Map<Address, bigint>) {
this.account = account;
this.erc20Balances = erc20Balances;
listErc20(): Map<Address, bigint> {
return this.erc20Balances;
getErc20Balance(erc20: Address): bigint | undefined {
return this.erc20Balances.get(erc20);
increaseErc20Balance(erc20: Address, amount: bigint): void {
if (amount < 0n) {
throw new Error(`Failed to increase balance of ${erc20} for ${this.account}`);
try {
if (this.erc20Balances.get(erc20) === undefined) {
this.erc20Balances.set(erc20, 0n);
this.erc20Balances.set(erc20, (this.erc20Balances.get(erc20) || 0n) + amount);
console.log("ERC20 balance is", this.erc20Balances);
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Failed to increase balance of ${erc20} for ${this.account}: ${e}`);
decreaseErc20Balance(erc20: Address, amount: bigint): void {
if (amount < 0n) {
throw new Error(`Failed to decrease balance of ${erc20} for ${this.account}: invalid amount specified`);
if (this.erc20Balances.get(erc20) === undefined) {
this.erc20Balances.set(erc20, 0n);
throw new Error(`Failed to decrease balance of ${erc20} for ${this.account}: not found with ERC20 balance`);
let erc20Balance = this.erc20Balances.get(erc20) || 0n;
if (erc20Balance < amount) {
throw new Error(`Failed to decrease balance of ${erc20} for ${this.account}: insufficient ERC20 balance`);
this.erc20Balances.set(erc20, erc20Balance - amount);
The Balance
class represents an individual account's balance. It includes methods to list ERC20 tokens and get, increase, and decrease the ERC20 balance.
Now, create a file named wallet.ts
in the src/wallet
directory and add the following code:
import { Address, getAddress, encodeFunctionData } from "viem";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { Balance } from "./balance";
import { erc20Abi } from "viem";
import { Voucher } from "..";
export class Wallet {
static accounts: Map<Address, Balance>;
constructor() {
Wallet.accounts = new Map<Address, Balance>();
private getBalance = (account: Address): Balance => {
let balance = Wallet.accounts.get(account);
if (!balance) {
balance = new Balance(account, new Map());
Wallet.accounts.set(account, balance);
return balance;
getAccountBalance = (
account: Address,
erc20: Address
): bigint | undefined => {
const balance = this.getBalance(account);
const erc20Balance = balance.getErc20Balance(erc20);
`Balance for ${account} and token ${erc20} retrieved as ${erc20Balance}`
return erc20Balance;
processErc20Deposit = (payload: string): string => {
try {
let [erc20, account, amount] = this.parseErc20Deposit(payload);
console.log(`${amount} ${erc20} tokens deposited to account ${account}`);
return this.depositErc20(account, erc20, amount);
} catch (e) {
return `Error depositing ERC20 tokens: ${e}`;
private parseErc20Deposit = (payload: string): [Address, Address, bigint] => {
try {
let inputData = [];
inputData[0] = ethers.dataSlice(payload, 0, 1);
inputData[1] = ethers.dataSlice(payload, 1, 21);
inputData[2] = ethers.dataSlice(payload, 21, 41);
inputData[3] = ethers.dataSlice(payload, 41, 73);
if (!inputData[0]) {
throw new Error("ERC20 deposit unsuccessful");
return [
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Error parsing ERC20 deposit: ${e}`);
private depositErc20 = (
account: Address,
erc20: Address,
amount: bigint
): string => {
let balance = this.getBalance(account);
balance.increaseErc20Balance(erc20, amount);
let noticePayload = {
type: "erc20deposit",
content: {
address: account,
erc20: erc20,
amount: amount.toString(),
return JSON.stringify(noticePayload);
withdrawErc20 = (
account: Address,
erc20: Address,
amount: bigint
): Voucher => {
try {
let balance = this.getBalance(account);
balance.decreaseErc20Balance(erc20, amount);
const call = encodeFunctionData({
abi: erc20Abi,
functionName: "transfer",
args: [account, amount],
console.log(`Voucher creation success`, {
destination: erc20,
payload: call,
return {
destination: erc20,
payload: call,
} catch (e) {
throw Error(`Error withdrawing ERC20 tokens: ${e}`);
transferErc20 = (
from: Address,
to: Address,
erc20: Address,
amount: bigint
): string => {
try {
let balanceFrom = this.getBalance(from);
let balanceTo = this.getBalance(to);
balanceFrom.decreaseErc20Balance(erc20, amount);
balanceTo.increaseErc20Balance(erc20, amount);
let noticePayload = {
type: "erc20transfer",
content: {
from: from,
to: to,
erc20: erc20,
amount: amount.toString(),
`${amount} ${erc20} tokens transferred from ${from} to ${to}`
return JSON.stringify(noticePayload);
} catch (e) {
throw Error(`Error transferring ERC20 tokens: ${e}`);
Using the ERC20 wallet
Now, let's create a simple wallet app at the entry point src/index.ts
to test the wallet’s functionality.
Run cartesi address-book
to get the contract address of the ERC20Portal
contract. Save this as a const in the index.ts
import createClient from "openapi-fetch";
import { components, paths } from "./schema";
import { Wallet } from "./wallet/wallet";
import { stringToHex, getAddress, Address, hexToString, toHex } from "viem";
type AdvanceRequestData = components["schemas"]["Advance"];
type InspectRequestData = components["schemas"]["Inspect"];
type RequestHandlerResult = components["schemas"]["Finish"]["status"];
type RollupsRequest = components["schemas"]["RollupRequest"];
export type Notice = components["schemas"]["Notice"];
export type Payload = components["schemas"]["Payload"];
export type Report = components["schemas"]["Report"];
export type Voucher = components["schemas"]["Voucher"];
type InspectRequestHandler = (data: InspectRequestData) => Promise<void>;
type AdvanceRequestHandler = (
data: AdvanceRequestData
) => Promise<RequestHandlerResult>;
const wallet = new Wallet();
const ERC20Portal = `0x9C21AEb2093C32DDbC53eEF24B873BDCd1aDa1DB`;
const rollupServer = process.env.ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL;
console.log("HTTP rollup_server url is " + rollupServer);
const handleAdvance: AdvanceRequestHandler = async (data) => {
console.log("Received advance request data " + JSON.stringify(data));
const sender = data["metadata"]["msg_sender"];
const payload = data.payload;
if (sender.toLowerCase() === ERC20Portal.toLowerCase()) {
// Handle deposit
const deposit = wallet.processErc20Deposit(payload);
await createNotice({ payload: stringToHex(deposit) });
} else {
// Handle transfer or withdrawal
try {
const { operation, erc20, from, to, amount } = JSON.parse(
if (operation === "transfer") {
const transfer = wallet.transferErc20(
getAddress(from as Address),
getAddress(to as Address),
getAddress(erc20 as Address),
await createNotice({ payload: stringToHex(transfer) });
} else if (operation === "withdraw") {
const voucher = wallet.withdrawErc20(
getAddress(from as Address),
getAddress(erc20 as Address),
await createVoucher(voucher);
} else {
console.log("Unknown operation");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error processing payload:", error);
return "accept";
const handleInspect: InspectRequestHandler = async (data) => {
console.log("Received inspect request data " + JSON.stringify(data));
try {
const payloadString = hexToString(data.payload);
const [address, erc20] = payloadString.split('/');
const balance = wallet.getAccountBalance(address as Address, erc20 as Address);
if (balance === undefined) {
throw new Error("ERC20 balance is undefined");
const balmsg = `Balance of token ${erc20} for user address ${address} is ${balance}`;
await createReport({ payload: stringToHex(balmsg) });
} catch (error) {
const error_message = `Error processing inspect payload:", ${error}`;
await createReport({ payload: stringToHex(error_message) });
const createNotice = async (payload: Notice) => {
console.log("creating notice with payload", payload);
await fetch(`${rollupServer}/notice`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
const createVoucher = async (payload: Voucher) => {
await fetch(`${rollupServer}/voucher`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
const createReport = async (payload: Report) => {
await fetch(`${rollupServer}/report`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
const main = async () => {
const { POST } = createClient<paths>({ baseUrl: rollupServer });
let status: RequestHandlerResult = "accept";
while (true) {
const { response } = await POST("/finish", {
body: { status },
parseAs: "text",
if (response.status === 200) {
const data = (await response.json()) as RollupsRequest;
switch (data.request_type) {
case "advance_state":
status = await handleAdvance( as AdvanceRequestData);
case "inspect_state":
await handleInspect( as InspectRequestData);
} else if (response.status === 202) {
console.log(await response.text());
main().catch((e) => {
Here is a breakdown of the wallet functionality:
We handle deposits when the sender is the
.We parse the payload for other senders to determine the operation (
, we callwallet.transferErc20
and create a notice with the parsed parameters.For
, we callwallet.withdrawErc20
and create voucher using the dApp dress and the parsed parameters.We created helper functions to
for deposits and transfers,createReport
for balance checks andcreateVoucher
for withdrawals.
Build and run the application
With Docker running, build your backend application by running:
cartesi build
To run your application, enter the command:
cartesi run
An approval step is needed for the ERC20 token standard. This ensures you grant explicit permission for ERC20Portal
to transfer tokens on your behalf.
Without this approval, the ERC20Portal
cannot deposit your tokens to the Cartesi backend.
You will encounter this error if you don't approve the ERC20Portal
address before deposits:
ContractFunctionExecutionError: The contract function "depositERC20Tokens" reverted with the following reason: ERC20: insufficient allowance
To deposit ERC20 tokens, use the cartesi send erc20
command and follow the prompts.
Balance checks(used in Inspect requests)
To inspect the balance, make an HTTP call to:
Transfers and Withdrawals
Use the cartesi send generic
command and follow the prompts. Here are sample payloads:
For transfers:
For withdrawals: