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The CartesiDAppFactory contract is a tool for reliably deploying new instances of the CartesiDApp contract with or without a specified salt value for address derivation.

Additionally, it provides a function to calculate the address of a potential new CartesiDApp contract based on input parameters.

This contract ensures efficient and secure deployment of CartesiDApp contracts within the Cartesi Rollups framework.


function newApplication( IConsensus consensus, IInputBox inputBox, IPortal[] memory portals, address appOwner, bytes32 templateHash ) external returns (Application)

Deploys a new Application contract without specifying a salt value for address derivation.

Emits an ApplicationCreated event upon successful deployment.


consensusIConsensusInstance of the consensus interface
inputBoxIInputBoxInstance of the input box interface
portalsIPortal[]Array of portal instances
appOwneraddressAddress of the owner of the application
templateHashbytes32Hash of the template for the application

newApplication()(with salt)

function newApplication(IConsensus consensus, IInputBox inputBox, IPortal[] memory portals, address appOwner, bytes32 templateHash, bytes32 salt) external returns (Application)

Deploys a new Application contract with a specified salt value for address derivation.

Emits an ApplicationCreated event upon successful deployment.


consensusIConsensusInstance of the consensus interface
inputBoxIInputBoxInstance of the input box interface
portalsIPortal[]Array of portal instances
appOwneraddressAddress of the owner of the application
templateHashbytes32Hash of the template for the application
saltbytes32Salt value for address derivation


function calculateApplicationAddress(IConsensus consensus,IInputBox inputBox,IPortal[] memory portals,address appOwner,bytes32 templateHash,bytes32 salt ) external view returns (address)

Calculates the address of a potential new Application contract based on input parameters.


consensusIConsensusInstance of the consensus interface
inputBoxIInputBoxInstance of the input box interface
portalsIPortal[]Array of portal instances
appOwneraddressAddress of the owner of the application
templateHashbytes32Hash of the template for the application
saltbytes32Salt value for address derivation


addressAddress of the potential new Application contract

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