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Migration guide

Migrating from Cartesi Rollups Node v1.4 to v1.5.x

Release v1.5.0 introduces a critical change in how epochs are closed in the Cartesi Rollups Node, transitioning from a timestamp-based system to a block number-based system.

Epoch closure is now determined by the CARTESI_EPOCH_LENGTH environment variable (in blocks) instead of CARTESI_EPOCH_DURATION (in seconds).


Where BLOCK_TIME is the time to generate a block in the target network.

Example: If a block is generated every 12 seconds and CARTESI_EPOCH_DURATION is set to 86400 seconds (24 hours), CARTESI_EPOCH_LENGTH = 86400 / 12 = 7200

Option 1: Redeploy all contracts

Redeploy all contracts and your application with the new configuration.

Refer to the self-hosted deployment guide for detailed deployment instructions.


Redeploying creates a new application instance. All previous inputs, outputs, claims, and funds locked in the application contract will remain associated with the old application address.

Option 2: Replace Application's History

This process allows inputs, outputs, and locked funds to remain unchanged but is more involved.


A new History will have no claims. Upon restarting the node with a new History, previous claims will be resubmitted, incurring additional costs for the Authority owner.


Instances of the History contract from rollups-contracts v1.2.0 may be used simultaneously by several applications through their associated Authority instance. Application owners must consider that and exercise care when performing the steps listed below.

It's recommended to use the deterministic deployment functions available in the Rollups contracts.

1. Define the environment variables

  • SALT: A random 32-byte value for the deterministic deployment functions.

  • RPC_URL: The RPC endpoint to be used.

  • MNEMONIC: The mnemonic phrase for the Authority owner's wallet (other wallet options may be used).

  • HISTORY_FACTORY_ADDRESS: The address of a valid HistoryFactory instance.

  • AUTHORITY_ADDRESS: The address of the Authority instance used by the application.

    environment variables

    A HistoryFactory is deployed at 0x1f158b5320BBf677FdA89F9a438df99BbE560A26 for all supported networks, including Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and their respective Sepolia-based testnets.

2. Instantiate a New History

This is a two-step process. First calculate the address of the new History. After that, the new instance of History may be created.

  • To calculate the address of a new History contract call the calculateHistoryAddress(address,bytes32)(address) function with the help of Foundry's Cast:

    cast call \
    --trace --verbose \
    "calculateHistoryAddress(address,bytes32)(address)" \
    $SALT \
    --rpc-url "$RPC_URL"

    If the command executes successfully, it will display the address of the new History contract. Store this address in the environment variable NEW_HISTORY_ADDRESS for later use.

  • Create a new instance of History may be created by calling function newHistory(address,bytes32):

    cast send \
    --json \
    --mnemonic "$MNEMONIC" \
    "newHistory(address,bytes32)(History)" \
    $SALT \
    --rpc-url "$RPC_URL"

    The cast send command will fail if Cast does not recognize the History type during execution. In such cases, replace History with address as the return type for newHistory() and execute the command again.

    The cast send command may also fail due to gas estimation issues. To circumvent this, provide gas constraints with the --gas-limit parameter (e.g., --gas-limit 7000000).

3. Replace the History

Ensure the environment variables from the previous step are set, including NEW_HISTORY_ADDRESS, which should have the address of the new History.

To replace the History used by the Authority, run this command:

cast send \
--json \
--mnemonic "$MNEMONIC" \
"setHistory(address)" \
--rpc-url "$RPC_URL"

After replacing the History, update the CARTESI_CONTRACTS_HISTORY_ADDRESS in the application configuration with the new History address. Then, upgrade the Cartesi Rollups Node as usual.

When the Cartesi Rollups Node restarts, it processes all existing inputs, recalculates the epochs, and sends the claims to the new History based on the updated configuration.

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