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Creating an application

Cartesi CLI simplifies creating dApps on Cartesi. To create a new application, run:

cartesi create <dapp-name> --template <language>

For example, create a Python project.

cartesi create new-dapp --template python

This command creates a new-dapp directory with essential files for your dApp development.

  • Dockerfile: Contains configurations to build a complete Cartesi machine with your app's dependencies. Your backend code will run in this environment.

  • A markdown file with basic information and instructions about your dApp.

  • A Python file with template backend code that serves as your application's entry point.

  • requirements.txt: Lists the Python dependencies required for your application.

Cartesi CLI has templates for the following languages – cpp, cpp-low-level, go, javascript, lua, python, ruby, rust, and typescript.

After creating your application, you can start building your dApp by adding your logic to the file.

Building with Go?

For Go applications on Cartesi, we recommend using Rollmelette. It’s a high-level Go framework and an alternative template that simplifies development and enhances input management, providing a smoother and more efficient experience.

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