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The InputBox is a trustless and permissionless contract that receives arbitrary blobs (called "inputs") from anyone and adds a compound hash to an append-only list (called "input box"). Each dApp has its input box.

The hash stored on-chain comprises the hash of the input blob, the block number and timestamp, the input sender address, and the input index.

Data availability is guaranteed by the emission of InputAdded events on every successful call to addInput. This ensures that inputs can be retrieved by anyone at any time without relying on centralized data providers.

From the perspective of this contract, inputs are encoding-agnostic byte arrays. It is up to the dApp to interpret, validate, and act upon inputs.


event InputAdded(address dapp, uint256 inboxInputIndex, address sender, bytes input)

Emitted when an input is added to a dApp's input box.


dappaddressThe address of the dApp
inboxInputIndexuint256The index of the input in the input box
senderaddressThe address that sent the input
inputbytesThe contents of the input


function addInput(address _dapp, bytes _input) external returns (bytes32)

Add an input to a dApp's input box.

MUST fire an InputAdded event accordingly.


_dappaddressThe address of the dApp
_inputbytesThe contents of the input

Return Values

[0]bytes32The hash of the input plus some extra metadata


function getNumberOfInputs(address _dapp) external view returns (uint256)

Get the number of inputs in a dApp's input box.


_dappaddressThe address of the dApp

Return Values

[0]uint256Number of inputs in the dApp's input box


function getInputHash(address _dapp, uint256 _index) external view returns (bytes32)

Get the hash of an input in a dApp's input box.

_index MUST be in the interval [0,n) where n is the number of inputs in the dApp's input box. See the getNumberOfInputs function.


_dappaddressThe address of the dApp
_indexuint256The index of the input in the dApp's input box

Return Values

[0]bytes32The hash of the input at the provided index in the dApp's input box

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