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Filter object to restrict results depending on input properties

input InputFilter {
msgSender: String
blockNumber: BigInt
blockNumberLowerThan: BigInt
blockNumberGreaterThan: BigInt
timestampLowerThan: BigInt
timestampGreaterThan: BigInt


msgSender (String)

Filter only inputs submitted by a specific address

blockNumber (BigInt)

Filter only inputs recorded in a specific base layer block

blockNumberLowerThan (BigInt)

Filter only inputs recorded before a specific base layer block

blockNumberGreaterThan (BigInt)

Filter only inputs recorded after a specific base layer block

timestampLowerThan (BigInt)

Filter only inputs recorded before a specific timestamp, as defined by the base layer

timestampGreaterThan (BigInt)

Filter only inputs recorded after a specific timestamp, as defined by the base layer

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